Friday, March 27, 2015


by Kimber Bailey Scott
1 Kings 3:3-14

I Pray to God (Tune: Here we go ‘round the mulberry bush)
Jesus prayed in the ‘morning
‘morning, ‘morning
Jesus praying in the morning.
He prayed and talked to God.

I pray to God in the ‘morning.
Morning, morning.
I pray to God in the morning.
I pray and talk to God.

I pray to God in the evening.
Evening, evening.
I pray to God in the evening.
I pray and talk to God.

I Will Pray (Tune: London Bridge)
*In the **morning, I will pray (fold hands)
I will pray, I will pray.
*In the **morning, I will pray (fold hands)
Thank you, God. (touch fingertips to lips on “thank” and point upwards on “God”)

I Will Pray Today
I Will Pray Today (fold hand in prayer)
I will say Good morning, God (Yawn and stretch)
I will say Thank You, God for my lunch (pretend to eat)
I will say Good night, God (pretend to sleep)
I will pray today. (fold hands in prayer)

I Will Pray Today (fold hand in prayer)
I will say Help me do right (nod head yes)
I will say Keep me from wrong (shake head no)
I will say Thanks for listening, God (cup hands behind ears)
I Will Pray Today (fold hand in prayer)

I Will Pray Today (fold hand in prayer)
I will say Help my family, God (make a wide circle with arms)
I will say Help my friends, God (Touch or hug a friend)
I will say Thanks for helping me, God (point to self)
I Will Pray Today (fold hand in prayer)

When I Pray
When I pray, I fold my hands (fold hands) and close my eyes. (close eyes)
I think about God & He hears me. ~Jean Katt

Let’s pray and thank God that we can pray to Him. (have them repeat you in short segments)
Thank you, God, that we can talk to You. Thank you for listening to us. In Jesus name, Amen.

Put a crown on your head and change your voice. Hello, boys and girls, I am King Solomon. I want to tell you about a time that God heard and answered my prayer. I was away from my palace. I had taken a trip to a special place where I could worship God. One night while I was sleeping, God said to me, “Solomon, ask me for whatever you would like me to give you.”

Wow!” I thought. I could ask for anything! If you could ask for anything, what might you ask for? Let them answer. I didn’t ask for any of these things. I needed something more important than those things. I was the king. But I didn’t know how to be a king. So I prayed, “O God, help me to know what is right and do it. Help me to know what is wrong and not do it. Show me how to be a good king.”

God was pleased with my prayer. God said, “I will give you what you asked for. I will help you know what is right and do it. I will help you know what is wrong and not do it. I will show you how to be a good king.” God was so happy that I asked for these things that He gave me other good things too.

God heard my prayer. God gave me what I asked for. Some people call me the wisest king who ever lived. They call me this because God taught me what to do and helped me do it. God taught me what not to do and helped me not do it. God showed me how to be a good king. Thank You, God, that we can talk to You and that You hear us when we pray.

Take off your crown. What was the name of the king who prayed to God? What did King Solomon ask God for? Did God hear King Solomon’s prayer? Yes, God heard King Solomon’s prayer and God answered it. What are some things you pray about? Does God hear your prayers? Yes, God hears you when you pray and He will answer your prayers.

The Bible tells us that God made the world. The Bible says, “I pray to you, Lord.“ Psalm 69:13 Can you say those words with me? Say them louder. Say them softer.

Have children get the dolls ready for bed. They can use the wet washcloths to wash the dolls faces and dry them with a towel. They can comb the dolls hair, give the dolls a bottle and wrap them in a blanket. Remind children to pray with their dolls before putting them to bed. Jesus prayed to God at night. Solomon prayed to God at night. Our Bible verse says, “I pray to you, Lord.” We can talk to God at night. What do you do before you go to sleep? I take a bath, brush my teeth and brush my hair. Before I fall asleep, I pray and talk to God.

Jesus liked to talk to God in the morning. King Solomon liked to talk to God at nighttime. Any time of the day is a good time to pray. Our Bible verse say, “I pray to you, Lord.” Have children say the Bible verse together several times. Let’s play a game. When I say, “Jesus prayed in the morning.” You stretch and yawn and take a “baby step.” When I say, “Solomon prayed at night,” you put your hands by your face like you are sleeping and take a “medium step.” When I say our Bible verse, “I pray to you, Lord,” you say, “I pray to you, Lord” and take a “giant step” with each word you say. Have the children start at one end of the room. When they all reach the finish point, have them turn around and go back to the starting point.

Before class, make a crown for each child. If you cannot take a walk outside, gather the following items: flowers, leaves, tree limb or bark. Solomon was a very wise king. He liked to talk to God. He ws a very wise king because he prayed to God. Let’s pretend we are King Solomon. Let’s take a walk in our palace gardens. What kinds of things do kings wear? Yes, kings wear royal robes and crowns. I have a crown for each one of you. Adjust a crown to fit each child’s head and then tape it together. If dress up clothes are available, have children put them on. Take the group on a walk outside the building if possible. If not, display the items you gathered. Give each child a magnifying glass or let several children share one. Have children look at the grass, trees, leaves, limbs, bark, flowers, etc. God made the leaves. Look how pretty they are. Thank You, God, for the leaves. Do this for each item.

Wet washcloths
Hairbrushes or combs
Blankets or pillows
Construction or heavy paper – GOLD or yellow
Crown pattern
Magnifying glasses
Dress up clothes (optional)

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