Friday, March 27, 2015


By Kimber Bailey Scott
Mark 1:35; Matthew 14:22-23; John 17; 1 Kings 3:3-14; Acts 12:1-17

I Pray to God (Tune: Here we go ‘round the mulberry bush)
Jesus prayed in the ‘morning
‘morning, ‘morning
Jesus praying in the morning.
He prayed and talked to God.

I pray to God in the ‘morning.
Morning, morning.
I pray to God in the morning.
I pray and talk to God.

I pray to God in the evening.
Evening, evening.
I pray to God in the evening.
I pray and talk to God.

I Will Pray (Tune: London Bridge)
*In the **morning, I will pray (fold hands)
I will pray, I will pray.
*In the **morning, I will pray (fold hands)
Thank you, God. (touch fingertips to lips on “thank” and point upwards on “God”)

I Will Pray Today
I Will Pray Today (fold hand in prayer)
I will say Good morning, God (Yawn and stretch)
I will say Thank You, God for my lunch (pretend to eat)
I will say Good night, God (pretend to sleep)
I will pray today. (fold hands in prayer)

I Will Pray Today (fold hand in prayer)
I will say Help me do right (nod head yes)
I will say Keep me from wrong (shake head no)
I will say Thanks for listening, God (cup hands behind ears)
I Will Pray Today (fold hand in prayer)

I Will Pray Today (fold hand in prayer)
I will say Help my family, God (make a wide circle with arms)
I will say Help my friends, God (Touch or hug a friend)
I will say Thanks for helping me, God (point to self)
I Will Pray Today (fold hand in prayer)

When I Pray
When I pray, I fold my hands (fold hands) and close my eyes. (close eyes)
I think about God & He hears me. ~Jean Katt

Let’s pray and thank God that we can pray to Him. (have them repeat you in short segments)
Thank you, God, that we can talk to You. Thank you for listening to us. In Jesus name, Amen.

Does God want you to pray to Him?

The Bible tells us that God hears us when we pray to Him. The Bible says, “I pray to You, Lord.” Can you say those words with me? Say them louder.

Give each one a Bible (or share) & ask each to say “I pray to You, Lord.” Psalm 69:13

You hold a Jesus puppet and give puppet socks to each child.

Jesus talked to God. (have children repeat you) He prayed in the morning and at night. He prayed by Himself and He prayed with His friends. He asked God to help Him and to help His friends. Jesus talked to God. (children repeat)

Hold up the Jesus puppet. How can you be like Jesus? (I can pray) Let’s pray now. Encourage each child to pray & participate. If any of the children need some help, suggest a few simple words they can say or repeat you.

Jesus liked to talk to God. The Bible says that Jesus prayed in the morning. And the Bible says that Jesus prayed at night.

Before class, put pictures of different things (pet/animals, family, house, church, friends, food, clothes, etc.) into a paper sack.

Let a child pull out a picture. Sing I will pray (below) using the picture as a guide to singing the song. If a picture of food was pulled out, sing “for my food, I will pray, etc.”

I Will Pray (Tune: London Bridge)
*In the **morning, I will pray (fold hands)
I will pray, I will pray.
*In the **morning, I will pray (fold hands)
Thank you, God. (touch fingertips to lips on “thank” and point upwards on “God”)

We can be like Jesus. We can pray to God. When can we pray to God? We can pray in the morning. We can pray at night. We can pray anytime!

Before class, prepare a picnic. Put napkins, plates & cups, crackers & pieces of banana & apple into a basket or bag. Have the children help you spread out a table cloth on the ground.

Who has been on a picnic before? What did you do? What did you eat? Where did you go for your picnic? (show them your basket/bag) Did you take your food in a basket/bag?

Anytime is a good time to pray to God. We’re at a picnic. Is it a good time to pray to God? Yes! Let’s all tell God “thank you” before we eat. Ask a couple of children to pray and thank God for food He gives us.

Have a different kids help you pass out napkins & the food. Eat & enjoy.

Jesus Puppet
Socks with eyes (perm marker or google eyes & glue)
Paper sack
Pictures of different things (pet/animals, family, house, church, friends, food, clothes, etc.)
Basket or Bag
Napkins or wet wipes
Crackers & Cheese OR small sandwiches
Table cloth

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