Friday, March 27, 2015

God’s Son, Jesus, is born - GREAT LESSON FOR CHRISTMAS

by Kimber Bailey Scott
Luke 2:1-7

His Name was Jesus
Tune: The Farmer in the Dell

His name was Jesus
His name was Jesus
Thank You, God, for Jesus
His name was Jesus

The Baby Jesus
By Dana Eynon

A stable (make house with hands)
A manger (make box with hands)
A baby (cradle baby)
With animals all around (arms outstretched)
The baby is sleeping (folded hands against cheek)
Let’s tiptoe (walk on tiptoe)
And not make even a sound (Shhh!)

Push or pull a box of straw or the manger from a nativity set and put it where everyone can see it. Did you know cows and sheep eat out of a box something like this? It is called a manger. Where do big animals such as horses and cows sleep? A stable is like a barn. Animals sleep there. Something very exciting happened in a stable in our Bible story. Let’s find out what was so exciting.

And angel told Mary some happy news. Do you remember what that happy news was? And now it was almost time for the baby to be born. Mary had to take a trip with her husband Joseph to Bethlehem. Perhaps Mary rode on a donkey. Can you pat the floor with your hands to sound like the donkey’s feet?

When Mary and Joseph got to Bethlehem they were very tired. They wanted to go to bed. Joseph knocked at the door of a place that was like a hotel. It was called an inn. Let’s all knock. A tired man answered the door and said, “There is no room here.”

Joseph knocked at another door. Knock knock. “No room” said the tired woman. Finally someone let Joseph and Mary stay in their stable. It was peaceful and quiet and had clean straw to sleep on. Joseph and Mary went into the stable with the animals. They were glad to rest. While they were staying in the stable, something wonderful happened. Do you know what happened? Yes! Jesus was born!

Mary smiled as she wrapped Jesus in soft cloths and laid Him in a manger. Maybe the animals quietly watched the tiny baby sleep. Mary and joseph were happy that baby Jesus was born.

Who was the special baby born in the stable? Mary and Joseph were happy Jesus was born. They were especially happy because Jesus is God’s Son. Why are you happy at Christmas?
The Bible says, “His name was…Jesus“ Can you say those words with me? Say them louder. Say them softer. Give each one a Bible (or share) & ask each to say, “His name was…Jesus“ Luke 2:21

Bake a birthday cake for Jesus & have a birthday party for Him. Sing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus.

Make stars. Cut lots of stars out of heavy white paper before class. Let children decorate with foil, colorful paper, sequins, markers, glitter, etc. String with ribbon or yarn.

Have children sit on the floor in a circle. Explain that the beanbag will be passed from one child to the next while the music plays. When the music stops, the child holding the beanbag will say the Bible words, “His name was Jesus.” You will need one adult to start and stop the music and one or more adults to sit in the circle with the children. You will need to say the words with the children several times. After that most will be able to say them on their own. However always say the words with a child who is new or needs help.

Birthday cake for Jesus
stars cut from cardstock
colorful paper
ribbon or yarn
Christmas music

Bean bag or Ziploc of beans or rice

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